AIIMS Patna Nursing Officer Exam Syllabus And Pattern

AIIMS conduct exam for Nursing Officer for posts in Patna. We are giving complete official pattern and syllabus to help candidates prepare in focused manner.

AIIMS Patna exam will be based on nursing subjects only. Below you can find AIIMS Patna Nursing officer exam scheme,  distribution of marks and syllabus for each subject.

AIIMS Patna Nursing Officer Scheme

The examination will be Computer Based online /offline mode of exam for the post of Nursing Officer (Staff Nurse Gr. II) and Skill Test. 

Skill Test will be held after the Computer Based Online/Offline Exam. 

Skill Test will be qualifying (Marks obtained in qualifying exam will not be considered for deciding merit of the Candidate). Candidate will have to score 50% marks in the Skill Test to qualify. Candidates will be called for Skill Test in the ratio 1:3 (i.e. 3 candidates will be called for skill test for each post advertised). The candidate will be called for Skill Test as per merit, and their Category.

The examination will consist subject mentioned below for the post of Nursing Officer (Staff Nurse Gr. II): 


Subject  Maximum marks/ Questions
 Anatomy And Physiology 20
 Microbiology 10
 Sociology 10
 Nursing Foundations 40
 Community Health Nursing -1 10
 Nutrition 10
 Medical Surgical Nursing 40
 Psychiatric Nursing 10
 Midwifery And Gynecological Nursing 40
 Paediatric Nursing 10

AIIMS Patna Nursing Officer Syllabus


Bones: Types, Structures, Function Joints: Classification, Structure and Function

Blood: Composition, clotting and blood group, cross matching. Blood products and their use.

Heart: Position, Structure, conduction system, Function and cardiac cycle. 

Normal respiration and its deviations.

Metabolism; meaning and metabolism of food constituents.

Regulation of body temperature.

Fluid and electrolyte balance.

Central Nervous System: Structure and functions.

Autonomic Nervous System: Structure and functions

Structure and functions of pituitary, pancreas, thyroid parathyroid, thymus and supra renal glands. 

Physiology of vision, hearing and equilibrium.

Process of reproduction, menstrual cycle and menopause 


Pathogenic and non- pathogenic organisms.

Portals of entry and exit of microbes 

Transmission of infection

Collection of specimens

Types of immunity

Hypersensitivity and autoimmunity

Sterilization: dry heat, moist heat, chemicals and radiation 

Disinfection: Physical, natural, gases, chemicals used and preparation of lotions

Bio-safety and waste management 



Social problems: unmarried mothers, dowry system, prostitution, drug addiction, alcoholism, delinquency, handicapped, child abuse, women abuse. 


Basic Needs and Care in Special Conditions

Care of patient with fever, unconscious patient, patient with fluid imbalance, patient with dyspnoea.

Care of terminally ill patient.

Care of physically handicapped. 

Dying Patient: 

Signs and symptoms of approaching death, needs of the dying patient and his relatives, care of the dying, last offices, packing of dead bodies in non-communicable and communicable diseases. 


Classification Administration & General action of drugs.

Nursing implications in administration of drugs 

First Aid in Emergency Situations Fire, burn, fracture, accidents, poisoning, drowning, hemorrhages, insect bites, foreign bodies.

Transportation of the injured 


Dimensions of health. 

Health determinants. 

Indicators of health 

Levels of health care

Evolution and development of community health nursing in India and its present concept.

Family health services- Maternal, child care and family welfare services.

Water borne disease.

Water purification 

Nurse’s Role in National Health Programmes 


Method of calculating normal food requirements, influence of age, sex and activity.

Commercially prepared food and its adulteration. 

Nutritional needs for special groups, infants, children, pregnant woman, lactating mothers, old people etc.

Methods of improving an ill-balanced diet. 


Graft versus host disease. 

Fluid and electrolyte imbalance and their therapeutic management 

Therapeutic approaches to pain.

Anaesthesia: classification, anorthic and role of a nurse in anaesthesia.

Post-operative complications: observation, prevention and management 

Management of patient with impaired respiratory functions.

Respiratory intensive care.

Management of endocrinal disorders.

Renal failure and dialysis

Management of patient with neurological dysfunction.

Health problems in elderly

Medical surgical emergencies. 

Classification of Cancer, Detection, prevention, Treatment modalities (Chemotherapy, Radiation)

Infestations, infectious and non-infectious diseases and their management 

Burn and its management.

Diseases and disorders of eyes, nose and throat and their management.

Management of patients with cardio-vascular disease. 

Management of patient in ICU AND C.C.U 

Management of patient with cardio-vascular surgery.

Adverse blood transfusion reaction and their management.

Management of various infectious diseases.

Disorders and diseases of bone, muscle, cartilage, ligaments and their management.

Nursing Management of Patients with Sexually transmitted diseases 


Definition of terms used in psychiatry.

Trends in psychiatric nursing. 

Prevention of mental illness (Preventive Psychiatry) during childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age.

Classification of mental disorder.

Schizophrenic disorders.

Mood (affective) disorders.

Main Depressive Psychosis.

Anxiety states.

Phoebic disorders, obsessive compulsive disorders, depressive neurosis, conversion disorders, dissociative reaction, hypochondriasis, psychoactive disorders, alcohol, drugs and other psychoactive substance abuse 

Classification of drugs, antipsychotic, antidepressant, antimanic, antianxiety agents and Role of nurses in psychopharmacology

Types of therapies: individual and group therapy, behavior therapy, occupational therapy and Role of the nurse in these therapies.

Psychiatric Emergencies and Crisis Intervention

Forensic Psychiatry / Legal Aspects 


Embryology and foetal development

Physiological changes in pregnancy.

Diagnosis of pregnancy: history, signs and symptoms and investigations. 

Influence of hormones.

Prenatal care: objectives, history taking, calculation of expected date of delivery, routine examinations.

Management of women in Labour

Complications of Pregnancy and its management

High Risk Pregnancy and its management 

High Risk labour and its management

Fertility and Infertility



Characteristics of New Born and Physiologic status of the new born.

Emerging challenges, nursing process related to paediatric nursing.

Concept of preventive paediatrics.

High risk new born

Growth and development: Definition, principles, factors affecting growth and development, techniques of assessment of growth and development, importance of learning about growth and development of all age group

Nursing interventions and adaptations in nursing care of sick child

Care of Children with congenital defects / mal formations

Children with various systemic and functional disorders 

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